Author's course of Danil Alekseev "Personal Musical Correction| ONLINE

3 дня по 3 часа

Author's course of Danil Alekseev "Personal Musical Correction| ONLINE"


I am happy to invite you to my new course.


My unique method of the Personal Musical correction transitions from the undesirable condition (internal and external) into new one that will lead to the positive changes in your life.

Music can show you how your personal (inner) sound can be changed.
After that, it will be your choice - to be who you are or take a step toward the positive.

This course is for those who are:

• Ready for changes!

• Seeking to develop new potentials

• Wants to sound beautifully

• Loves music

• Wants to develop creative skills

• Wants to learn to HEAR – himself, world, other people, music, ideas, thoughts…

• Finally, the most important – wants to get unique knowledge!

What will you learn in this course?


About the method of the Personal Musical correction

• Personal sound of remarkable people

• What you should know about music

• Influence of music on personal development, intellect, health and overall life

• The way of managing your the personal (internal) sound

And many other things.


Our Goals-


• To increase sensitivity

• To change your spirit

• To develop new creative capabilities

• To change/improve personal sound

• To get new knowledge

• To diagnose personal sound and identify directions for development

• To learn the way of managing your personal sound and the sound of other people


Thank you for your time.

Hope see you soon!

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Офис в Москве: м. Автозаводская
ул. Автозаводская 17, корпус 1, подъезд 1, этаж 2